Saturday, October 6, 2018


Let me just mention two things that happen. As you go anywhere and study in solitude, there is very little chance that you will experience the presence of some souls around you. But in the pilgrimage it will be very loud. It will not be experienced anywhere, but in the pilgrimage you will find a prejudice - it will be a little too loud. Will be very deep. Sometimes it becomes so intense that you yourself will find that there is less, and the other's presence is more.
      People who search the moon in relation to the moon, they do not care that moon is uninhabited. And those who have experienced Kailash will never accept that the moon is deserted. But your traveler will find someone on the moon! It is not necessary that there will be no one but your traveler will not find anyone. There is a great deal in the texts of the Jains that what kind of deities are there on the moon, what is it, but now they are in great difficulty. When it was found that there is no one there. Their monk-monk is in great difficulty. Those poor people can fast one fast, they jump and do not know, they can say that you do not reach the real moon. What else would he say except this? Someone in Gujarat was telling me that some Jain people are collecting money to prove that you did not reach the real moon. They will never be able to prove it.
      The man has reached the real moon. But their difficulty is that their book has written that there is a house there, there are such gods in this place. His book says that he does not know anything about himself. The book says the house. And now the scientific report is that there is no one there. What to do now. So the common intellect can do that, that is, they do not reach the moon. Because if you can not prove it then it will have to believe that our science is wrong. So they will keep the stance or not, you do not reach that place.
      A Jain Muni has claimed that no one has reached there. Now you can not deny, if you are sure, then you have reached where. Sometimes the ridiculous, rediculous thing happens They said, that there is a plane of the Gods there, all around, you landed on an aircraft. He is a great aircraft. You have returned after landing on it. You could not get to the moon land right. It's all madness, but there is some reason behind this madness. The reason is that there is a stream, there is a section of Jains from around an estimated twenty thousand years that there is a dwelling on the moon. But he does not think of what kind of housing he is. That house is a house like Kailas. That house is home like pilgrims.
      When you go to pilgrimage, a pilgrim is a Kashi which is visible. Where you come from the train, Kashi is one from the station. Kashi has two forms. There are two forms of pilgrimage. The first is a fragile form. This is what is visible. Where no one will return and will come back roaming. And one is his cynical form. Wherever there will be an intermediary, who will enter the meditation, Kashi will become more and more for him. Here is the description of the beauty of Kashi Kashi, and look at this Kashi, then it seems that she is the poet's imagination. There is no more dirty living than this. This Kashi is coming to see us. But what are you talking about Kashi? What is the matter of Kashi Kashi. The beauty of Kashi Kashi which is uncommon Just like no city has come in this world. All this is what you are talking about, if this is Kashi, then this poem has been imagined. No, but she is Kashi too. No, but she is Kashi too. And there is a contact field, Kashi, that Kashi and this Kashi meet here.
      The passenger who has just been sitting in the train, will come back with this Kashi. The person who has been sitting in meditation also gets contact with Kashi. Then on this uninhabited Ghat of Kashi, you also meet him whom you have never imagined to meet.
I just told, there is a supernatural dwelling on the Kailas. Almost regularly. Rule of Kailash is that at least five hundred Buddhist-Buddhists should be there, not less than that. The person receiving five hundred Buddhas will remain on Kailash only. And whenever one of them will depart from someone else's journey, then he can not depart unless another happens. Five hundred will be there in number. The presence of those five hundred makes Kailash a pilgrimage. But it is not a matter of understanding with intelligence. That's why I left behind There is also a regular statue of Kashi that there will be so many saints staying there. They will never lack. One of them will be sent only when the second will be established in that place.
      The real pilgrim is right there. And when they meet, they enter the pilgrimage. But they also need a physical site of their union. Where do you find them? You will be able to find that physical phenomenon, hence the physical location should be there. Where you can sit and meditate and enter the world of the world, where the relationship is sure.
      The pilgrimage will not be taken into consideration by intelligence. There is no relation between intellect and pilgrimage. The meaning of the right shrine is not visible - it is hidden, it is hidden in the same place. Secondly, whenever a person is available on this land, it is available for the ultimate knowledge. So his compassion tells him to leave some marks. Because whom he told the way. Those who obeyed him, who struggled, who took up labor, many of them would not have been able to reach it right now. They should have some hints, from which they will need to re-establish the contact; Help you
      No soul ever loses in this world. But the body is lost then. So the formula for contacting those souls is needed. For those sources the pilgrims worked exactly like our radars work today. As far as the eyes do not reach, the radar reaches. The stars that have never been seen by the eyes, they see the radar. Tirtha is the arrangement of a spiritual radar. Those who have left us, whom we have left, can be established with them.
      Therefore, every pilgrim has been built by those people who have left behind some people who are still on the way, who have not reached, and who can wander now. And they will need to know something that they will ask again and again. Something needs to be done. A little bit of information can lead them astray. Because the future is not known at all. The way forward is not known at all. So they have omitted all the formulas. There are special arrangements for leaving the formulas - standing the shrines, standing temples, making mantras. Organized sculptures organized everything. And everybody's organizing is a sure process, which we call 'ritual', it is a sure process.
      If a wild tribal is brought to us, and it comes and sees that whenever you have to do light, then you rise from your chair, going ten steps and reaching the left wall, pressing a button there. And the seeds are burned. The addicted will not be able to think in any way that this button has a wire attached to this light bulb within this wall. There is no fasting to think about him.

He will find this a ritual. That it is some idea to get out of here, to go to the right place on the wall, then pressing the number one button. If the number two is pressing, then the fan starts wandering. The number three is pressed and the radio starts speaking. He will know all this ritual. A verb scandal will take place. And understand that some day you have not been in the house and electricity has gone. He picked up the man and went on to complete the ritual, but the electricity did not burn, the fan did not burn, the radio did not run. Now he will understand that there has been a mistake in the ritual.
      There is no mistake in your verb scandal. Maybe we did not take proper steps. Which step was the co-man before the move. Do not know, inside, any mantra reads in mind, and pressing the button. Because we have pressed the button and the electricity is not burning. That tribal can not have any idea of ​​the entire spread of electricity.
      It is almost like this in relation to religion. Those whom we call the verb of the religion, are all the above-mentioned actions taken by us. Those who do not know anything at all, we make them complete, then we have to find, nothing is happening. Or ever, it never happens, then we are in great difficulty. It never happens, it is suspected that it would probably be If it is never again, then it is suspected that it may have happened by coincidence. Because if there should be always should be.
      We do not have any idea of ​​the interior arrangement. The thing that you do not know, will be known to be ritual when looking at it from the top. It does not happen with such small men, those whom we call very wise will be here also with them. Because intelligence is a childish thing. Bigger than the bigger is also a juvenile in a sense, it is childish. Because the intellect is not going to take much deeper.
      When the first time became a gramophone, and the scientist who took a gramophone in the Science Academy of France, he took it. So the great historical event happened three hundred years ago. All the big scientific members of the Frankish Academy were present. Some hundred came to see the scientific phenomenon. The man started the record of Gramophone, which was the president of the French Academy, he kept looking at it for a little while, and then he got hold of the neck of the man who brought the gramophone. Because he understood that this is a trick, he has a throat, how can it be. It is doing any activity inside the throat. There is no idea about it.
      This became a historic event. Because a scientist does not have such hope
He could go and grab his neck and catch his neck. The man panicked, he said what you do. He said you can not cheat me. He kept pressing his throat. But even then he saw that the voice is coming. Then he was very nervous. That guy said, you come out, you come out. Took him out But even then the voice was coming. He came to hundred hundred hundred of scientist, one of them stood and said, where it is a satanic power. Do not touch it - it's definitely some development. Satan is dividing his hand in it. How could this be? Today we laughed. Because now it's done .... Let us introduce it. If we did not, we would have been in trouble.
      If someday fallen on the fallen world, this civilization will be lost to us, and if a village phone is saved by a tribal, then the people of his village kill him. If he plays the gramophone, then the whole village will come to his life. Because he will not be able to do X-plane. It will not be able to tell how the record is speaking. You can not even tell it. It's a big fun thing. All civilizations win from the bailiff. Only two or four men have keys. The rest are trusting it.
      You can not even tell how this is speaking. Hears, we know that he speaks, is filled. It is very difficult to tell the rest. And it is almost impossible to make it. Press the button. Electricity is forged water. Burns everyday.Electricity burns. Burns everyday. But you will not even be able to tell how it was burnt. The keys are two to four people, of civilization, the rest of the people do the work. Just the work that is going on, the keys on which the keys will be lost will be difficult. On the same day his confidence will get stuck. The same day he will get nervous. Then, if one time electricity does not burn, it will be difficult.

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