Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Paan_Vachaspati Achary Sonu Tiwari

Use of paan leaves in worship
betel leaf
In Hindu religion, it is considered compulsory to follow the rules while worshiping God. Attaining all the worship and content of worship is also an important point. One of the special items of this worship material is 'Pan', which is also called Tambul in Sanskrit language.

Leaf or copper
The name of Pan is made from the word 'Tamar', which means any such thing as a copper color or red color. This red color shows the 'casket' on the leaf leaf. More than half of the population in India likes to eat. Pre-circulation in eastern and central India is quite high.

Is connected to religion
But the significance of paan does not end here only. Pan is related to religion. Pan is used in some form in different ways. God is worshiped only by the leaves of paan before not only eastern but also in South India before every auspicious task.

Sea churn
Pan Havan is an important material for worship. Pan is also mentioned in 'Skanda Purana', which is considered to be a special Hindu religion. It is reported that the leaves of Pan used were used by the deities at the time of ocean churning. From here the use of leaf leaves came to light. But the spiritual significance of the leaves of the leaf is much more than that.

The abode of various gods and goddesses
According to Hindu beliefs, there is habitation of various deities in Pan leaves. Yes, in this leaf, Goddesses of the universe inhabit. This is also one of the reasons why the leaves of Pan leaves are used in worship by the Hindus. It is said that there are gods and goddesses at various corners or places of this leaf.

Indra and Venus Dev
Indra and Venus Dev are situated on the upper right side of the leaves of the leaf. Saraswati is the abode of the mother in the middle and mother Mahalakshmi ji is sitting on the bottom part of this leaf, which finally takes the shape of the rhythm.

Inside are Lord Shiva
Apart from this, Jyeshtha Lakshmi is sitting on the part of the leaves of Pan leaves. This is the part that connects the two parts of the leaf to a tube. The Lord of the world dwells inside the Lord Shiva leaf leaf. The place of Lord Shiva and Kamadev ji is on the outer part of this leaf.

Mother Parvati on the left
Mother Parvati and Mangla Devi remain on the left side of the leaves of Pan leaves and the land is on the right side of the Devi leaf. In the end Lord Sun Narayan is present at all places of Pan leaf.

choose carefully
Due to the habitation of the entire Goddesses of the world in only one leaf, it is used in worship material. But the person should be very careful to select the leaf leaves for worship material.

Choose by assumption
According to Hindu belief, papaya leafy leaves should be used for any content that is full of holes, dried and torn from the middle part. Leaf leaf should always be shiny, shiny and dry from anywhere. Otherwise, this person's worship is not realized.

It is believed that if you are leaving home for some good work on Sunday, you should step out of the house keeping the leaf leaf together. It is useful in accomplishing all the paused tasks of a person.

In order to fulfill the wishes of the mind, besides giving the leaf of the paan to the Lord, the Indians who come to their home in the house include rituals of feeding the paan after eating.

Health benefits
This is because pan leaf is tasty and it is also beneficial for health from science in terms of health. This single leaf can erase so many diseases of the human body, it has never been imagined by anyone. Pan leaf is used by physicians as a large quantity of medicines.

Coolness in the mouth
The most basic and easy use of it is to give inner warmness to the mouth. If for some reason the heat is growing in the inner part of the mouth, due to which the painful bruises have occurred, then relief from chewing leaf leaves becomes relieved.

Cure cough
Apart from this, dry cough of the children gets cured by chewing gum juice with honey.

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